We Design an Improved Renovation Space That Caters to Your Needs.
Property renovation is very personal and the motivation can be singular or a combination of reasons. Here at GM Renovation Services, we have the team, the drive and motivation to help you make your house a home.
Value: One of the main considerations is the value of the property. Without proper maintenance and planned refurbishment, a property over time will become “tired” just through use. So to keep your property at its peak and to maintain its value, a planned maintenance and refurbishment schedule is essential.
Structural: This is the most “re-active” and can be urgent. The problem can be a lack of maintenance or it could be a natural/un-natural disaster/event, either way immediate attention is called for.
Energy Saving: The considerations of energy consumption and the carbon footprint of your property is not limited to the more environmentally conscious amongst us. Today it makes good economic sense to look at ways to reduce energy consumption. At GM Renovation Services we can give you a number of ideas to decrease your energy consumption, from building with materials that improve insulation to alternative heating sources.
Amenities: This could be a simple as a patio, pergola or terrace or if you have space, a pool or tennis court. The benefits to your home are more obvious as well as making it a more pleasant place to stay.